In our vision to serve our clients better, we’re making it a point to let you have a background of who we are, as well as prove to you through our accomplishments that we are more than capable of legal representation.
Meet Our Highly Qualified Lawyers

Frederick L. Fuhr - Attorney
- Licensed in State Court and
Southern District of Texas - B.A. Economics
Rice University, 1994 - J.D., South Texas
College of Law, 1996 - Bar license received
May 1997 - Email :

Laticia Fuhr - Attorney
- B.A. Criminal Justice University
of Houston 1993 - J.D., South Texas
College of Law, 1996 - Bar license received
May 1997 - Practicing Law since 1997
- Email :

Gary Kivell - Attorney
Gary Kivell has recently retired. We appreciate Gary and the level of professionalism and experience he brought to our team. If you were working with Gary previously, please contact our office at 281-332-1400 for more information. Thank you for being a valued client of the Fuhr Law Firm.